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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My grandma passed away last night. I didn't know until this morning on my way to training. I had a message from my step-mom and I could tell in her voice something happened. She didn't come out and say it, but I knew. I tried to call her on my to work out at 4:30 this morning. I know that was insensitive of me, I just couldn't wait. Of course, she was asleep like normal people so I left a message. Then Niki suggested I call the hospital, so I did. They were really nice.

When I was done training at six, I then called my dad who was also asleep, and he confirmed what I already knew. They didn't get home until close to 1 AM so of course I felt like even more of a Jacka$$ for calling so early. I mean I knew there was nothing I could do. I KNEW they had to be tired, but selfishly I wanted to hear their voices.

I am glad I saw grandma Saturday. She is totally in a better place. She is chillin with God and all the other peeps up there. She is not hurting AT ALL and she is for sure watching over us. She can feel and use her hands now and she is either walking or has an awesome motorized chair that she can zoom around in. I am not sure which, maybe she can walk and has the chair just for fun. Either way, she is better.

I am sorry to blog about something so sad, but really it is only sad for those of us still here who miss her. For those of you who do the whole praying thing, it would be great if you could pray for my family. I know all the good thoughts will find there way to them!


Pooh Bear said...

I am so sorry April! I'll pray for you and your family about your loss. I know not only is she walking but she is right there with you dancing when you dance around for us. If you are anything like her than I know that she was an awesome woman.

~*~NiKi CoChRaN aka C.S.I ~*~ FOOD FIGHTERS TEAM~*~Q107.5 Memphis' Biggest Loser said...

YOU ARE NOT SELFISH! YOU ARE THE MOST KIND HEARTED PERSON I KNOW! I am really sorry and if there is ANYTHING you need let me know I AM HERE FOR YOU!!!
LOVE YA WATER LILLY!(sounds better than petal)

Ashley said...

Hey April! I am so sorry for your loss. I had no idea this morning. You gotta know she is zooming around in that chair for fun! you are such a great person and if she is like you, I know she will be missed dearly. I will be praying for you! See you tonight!

Jo said...

I am so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, I am here for you. You and your family are in my prayers.

Kimberly said...

I love ya girl and like I told you this morning on the phone if you need anything just let me know!! Thanks for the kind words about me too and just to let ya know I think you are rad too!!!

Kimberly said...

Just like I told ya this morning if you need anything at a just call me and know that I love ya lots and I think your rad too!!!!!

SlapHappyPappy said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers