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Monday, March 24, 2008

Blog blog blog blog. Then I said blog blog blog. He thought it was funny so I blogged. But you should have seen blog. That was a trip. Blog it I laughed so blog! You blog, blog. Then blog then blog blog BLOG!!! Hahahhaaa I swear it was blog!


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you, honey. You've made it past the half way point and not only are you still in (which I never doubted), but you still have a positive outlook on exercise and dieting (which was extremely doubtful). I've been really impressed by your determination and will power. I love you. Keep up the great work.


Unknown said...

GO April, GO!!! You could always tell everyone to kiss your blog...or just blog off! heehee...I think this entry of yours is cute! Love you and I'm rootie-toot-tootin' for ya!
-Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

This makes me think of Charlie Brown's teacher..."Wah wah, wah wah wah wah?"...."Wah wah wahwah wahwah." lol

"Blog blog blog blgoblog blog??"

KMAK said...

Ha Ha....I HURT...all over. Every time I start feeling good, they up the exercise and up my pain!! Shouldn't muscle mass be kicking in soon. LOL!! Muscle weighs more than fat...that's why I don't lose as much. LOL!!!