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Thursday, March 27, 2008


If any one has read Niki's blog I second that. There isn't much more I can write here that she hasn't. There may be no crying in baseball, but there is for sure crying in this competition. When you feel like you are broken, it is hard to hold your head up and keep going. We will. We have to, but it isn't easy. Right now I just want my husband to come home so I can curl up and have him rub my hair and tell me everything will be okay.

It will be okay, but I sure wish I could be babied right now.


Dwayne a.k.a C.S.I Niki's husband said...

Keep your head up and know that everything will be ok. I may not know exactly what you are going through but I know what Niki is and I know that ya'll can get through this. Stay strong and keep pushing forward. No matter what happens from this point on everyone has seen major changes in themselves. I just hope everyone will continue on this journey of a better lifestyle when this is over.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I'm blog challenged! I'll try again. Keep up the GOOOOD work!! Anything that will get you to eat vegetables is awesome. Just remember, don't be irritated & constipated be a fearless warrior woman.
Keep up the hard work!
Love u baby
Auntie M