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Monday, March 31, 2008

I am still a chunkamunk!

BUT a happy chunkamunk! Hey hey hey...before you all go batty on me....I am not being derogatory. I lost 23 3/4 lbs not 53 3/4 lbs. I am still a little on the "healthy" side if you know what I mean. BUT I AM HAPPY!!! Whooo hoooo!!! Do you know how icky it is to feel like you are never gonna make it to your goal? Any goal? I mean with weight loss, it is so frustrating to see how much you need to lose, then only lose a pound or two and know you have so much more to go.

Well, see, with Memphis Biggest Loser, I have a great head start. I know it can be done, I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't because the "big one" took me going up the stairs. I can truly see an end in sight and I have made a beginning that while intense, has been ginormously effective.

My clothes are bigger because my boohiney is smaller! Yeah for me. I still have a way to go. I will have to continue with what I have learned and then maintian from there. Lofty goals for sure, but hopefully ones I can manage. So yep, I am still a chunkamunk. A chunkamunk on a mission. Just not not the mission of searching for hot wings this time! AWESOME!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sleepy go night night.

Are my blogs getting shorter and shorter or what? Well, here I am again, searching the recesses of my brain for something to say/type. It is 9:22 pm on Sunday which is totally passed my bedtime. I mean TOTALLY. So I am going to eat a few snap peas and get some shut eye. You know, for all of you who consider yourselves fans...or I should say, in my deluded brain, the ones I consider to be fans....I am really not all that funny (well I think I am, but we have already determined I am at times deluded) nor am I the typical wordsmith. Lately I tend to ponder just what the hell I am going to write about. I do have some body ailments I could interject here and there, or I could discuss my infrequent ability to go #2, but frankly, it isn't all that interesting. I will just stop here for the night.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cuz I'm Krackalacken...what what??

So like yeah yeah it's Kracken comin to you live from the hizzhouse!! Yeah yeaah!

Naw just messing around. I mean I am at the house, but I don't really have anything of note to say, so I thought I would make some junk up. As it stands, I can't miss a blog or I get slapped with an added 1/2 pound to my weekly weight loss totals, and I don't mean in a good way. I guess I should say the deduct a 1/2 pound. Thems tha rulez! I'm out! PEACE!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh and hi mom!!

Hi mom. I think it is cool you are learning how to check out the website and stuff! I love you and Patrick and Keke.

You can also leave me comments if you want! click on the word comment after any blog entry and poof...there you have it! You may have already but I am about to fall asleep and don't remember! You rock mom! I love you! Your favorite. And tell Keke I lover her more! AHahahahahahaaha LOLOLOLOL

Thursday, March 27, 2008


If any one has read Niki's blog I second that. There isn't much more I can write here that she hasn't. There may be no crying in baseball, but there is for sure crying in this competition. When you feel like you are broken, it is hard to hold your head up and keep going. We will. We have to, but it isn't easy. Right now I just want my husband to come home so I can curl up and have him rub my hair and tell me everything will be okay.

It will be okay, but I sure wish I could be babied right now.

There is a difference.

Aside from me not having to jump off the roof to get into my clothes, I can now see a difference. Twenty two and three quarter pounds is nothing to sneeze at. Neither is 30+inches. I am not back to my cheer leading weight, but hey, I am working it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This picture is me saying.....

At least I don't have cankles!

There are many levels......

I really think there is a fine line with wanting to stay and wanting to go. It tugs at me at times. I was in the bottom two again. I still lost more weight than some other folks but other folks don't count. The folks on my team count. There are four of us and I lost another 4 3/4 lbs. I think that rocks. I weigh 179 1/4 now. That too rocks, I am just tired as I have stated many many times, and am grumpy, so part of me was looking forward to a cup of coffee and perhaps a piece of cheese!!

What doesn't rock is my my mixed feelings. DEEP DOWN and I MEAN DEEP, I want to stay and work so hard that by boohiney just falls off right there in the gym. I mean right there....on the floor. I will be on the treadmill, hauling A$$ and my boohiney will fall off, hit the treadmill while it is still going, fly back and hit the wall. Hopefully it will not hit any bystanders on the way, but I can't promise. Then part of me wants to eat a whole stuff crust cheese pizza.

Closer to the surface is the part of me that wants to stay, work hard, sweat, work, train and sweat some more. On this level, part of me still wants my boohiney to just fall off, but it is buried deeper and is a passing thought that I am aware can't literally be reality. Then for the eats, I want to drink a Diet Pepsi Jazz and have some trail mix or one tiny tiny taco.

Then at the surface, I Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!! ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Oh I am sorry, what was I saying?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How many muscles are there in the human body?

I don't know. That is why I asked. I took science and all that in school. I didn't retain that tidbit of info. What I do know, is that apparently there are enough muscles in the human body for me to hurt everyday for a good long time. NOT the same muscles mind you. Yeah I said it. DIFFERENT MUSCLES. Leave it to our trainers to find and exploit every single one them too. My poor baby muscles are SCREAMING at me. I keep trying to get them to hush, but they don't care who hears. They are big whiney babies. Not me, but my muscles. I am not above blaming my pain and agony on something and someone else. I for one am in super shape underneath all the fat and sore muscles. SO really you can't fault me personally for whining. You can blame it on the extra person I have been carrying around. She is a whiner, that is why I am trying to get rid of her.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Blog blog blog blog. Then I said blog blog blog. He thought it was funny so I blogged. But you should have seen blog. That was a trip. Blog it I laughed so blog! You blog, blog. Then blog then blog blog BLOG!!! Hahahhaaa I swear it was blog!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I have no eggs boiled for breakfast. I have to get my egg whites in and I REALLY don't want to. Not that I don't want to eat them, I just don't feel like cooking them. I did have oatmeal and my green tea but that is just about to kill me. We all know my love of oatmeal by now.

57th Blog this one is meant for Saturday

So it hasn't even been 30 days into this contest yet and I have over fifty blogs. This one however is Saturday's. Friday I was off so it seemed like Saturday and boy did I blog then. Whew, I talk a lot. I am fresh out of things to say right now. I will say though, we have some really dedicated people in this game. They train and train and train, or I see them push themselves to the limits on the machines. This is all hard as it is, and then you see the extra spark that a few folks have. It is a great thing to see.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Green Eyed Monster

Yes my blogs are filled with jealousy. Can you see how in every blog I talked about other folks and their accomplishments and how I am mad about that? Can you see where I keep talking about the other team. Can you? I also have not been supportive at all to my team or the other team.

I am told to not listen to anyone or let them get under my skin. That is GREAT advice. I am working on that, but not as quickly I would like.

GEEZ, can folks get stuff right? What in the heck is there to be jealous about? While we have established that I recently communicated poorly, I have been supportive supportive supportive. WHAT in any of those three supports spells jealousy? Good goobly goo. Quit trying to explain away, what I feel is my right to righteous indignation for the rules not being followed or what I hear about the rules and the various infractions.

Am I jealous others lost weight? I lost weight. Am I jealous others have a different diet? NO, I would eat the wrong things given my own leash. Am I jealous the number of people on the other team? NO, the other team is not actually the other team. We are ALL in competition with ourselves first and then the others, my team and theirs.

As for the trip and money, I don't have a chance unless folks just drop like flies. PLUS after the first week it was obvious this was gonna be a huge change in my life for the better. The training itself and my health is the prize, but don't think for a second people didn't sign up for the carrot at the end of the stick. We have just found different carrots and these we can eat. Well I can't my diet doesn't allow it, but you get my meaning.

Yesterday I commented on things that were said on the radio, blogs and the forum plus NUMEROUS RUMORS. I screwed up royally in that endeavor but that is one instance. Don't confuse my defense of other team members as jealousy for them or the other team.

And...AND... because I feel defensive as heck myself today I am not talking to the person or persons I offended yesterday. I am talking about the comments from outside.

Antoinne said life and even competition is not always fair or rarely is. I get that. I just need a minute to get the naggers out from under my skin. I am here for myself. There is no explanation other than that I have to give; but, being the mouth I am, I can't seem to help it.

Maybe this competition will help me break that habit.

What do I do know?

So I was a jerk. An unaware jerk but a jerk just the same. You know my husband and I have had many arguments about communication and what you say vs. what you hear and how things are taken vs. the intent. My self and another contestant had a death in the family and my use of that example was received poorly. And thinking about from their view it was in poor taste. I soooooo didn't mean it that way. In another avenue or arena I don't think this would or could have happened. The competition portion and the drama lends to making my error in judgement much more.

Unfortunately now, for the hurt I caused someone else, I am hurting because even with an apology I can't take it away. Me trying to explain one thing (or several) instead turned into something that may never be rectified. Well, rectified may not be the right word. How do you rectify feelings? You don't, you apologize and hope that person accepts. They don't have to. I screwed up and have to accept that.

I am not sorry that I was trying to explain something, or that I was wanted to comment on the rules after all the mess on the radio yesterday, but I DO want to apologize for being insensitive and did not think about what and how I wrote something would affect the other person. I thought I was totally trying to explain that it WASN'T about that person and instead, did nothing but hit the nail in the board so to speak.

I don't know what to do know. I am NOT a person to hurt someone, be mean to them, be insensitive even, but how can I prove that to a person who feels I did all those things to them? I will say again that I was responding to an email left on the forum earlier that was removed and several things that were said on the radio yesterday. It was not intended for you. None of it.

One day when this is all over, I may get my head around what I was trying to explain.
I will apologize again and say I am sorry for the hurt I caused. I am truly sorry for your loss.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dreading this evening

I am so dreading tonight's training. I know it is negative for me to say I am not really any one's competition. I have even been told to my face that Ashley is gone because she was more of a competitor. Well...ok. I mean what do you say to that? It is no secret I am not athletic or particularly agile. I would be considered more in the "bump on a pickle" category. For those of you who don't know... bumps on pickles don't do anything they are just there. I mean I do stuff, but not training my a$$ off kinda stuff like I am doing now.

So for all of those who made it clear I was not a threat...again...ok. I am doing what I can, when I can and how I can. I have lost 18 pounds as of Wednesday morning and when I weighed last night it was 19. I am not in the top nor am I at the bottom. I have lost weight, I will continue to lose weight and you never know, I may break bad here and surprise everybody. Okay, well probably not, but steady is good. I am going to stick with steady for now and part of being steady is dreading my training.

I, my friends, am a delicate flower :)! It hurts. It makes me wheeze, it makes me pour buckets of water from my flesh, it makes me stink, and by gosh it messes up my hair.

But is all in the name of health so I will forge ahead.

About the rules....

This blog has been removed.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

oooohhhhh I was P$$$$D

But I am okay now thanks to T and N!! Thanks for talking me down!! :) Awesome! I may type more about my ill attitude on a later blog. For now, I need to ruminate on it and figure out just exactly why I was mad as a hornet. I mean I know why I was throwing daggers with my eyeballs, but I need to figure out why I allowed Mr. Cologne to get under my skin to begin with! HMMMMM??? Thoughts to ponder eh?

Thanks? I don't think that is enough!

I am completely floored that I am still here. Most of all I am thankful. I KNOW the choice was not easy. I KNOW, it was upsetting to those who voted and to those of us in the bottom two. Ashley, you did a GREAT job. You mam, were and are a huge competitor. I enjoyed your smiling face, your funny disposition and those beautiful baby pics! I am glad to have met you and OF COURSE we will all go out.

As for the rest of you, thank you again. I know Ashley was probably more of a threat, but no matter what the reason you picked me to stay, I am super thrilled!

And for all those reading this...I didn't beat Ashley, we just both happened to be on a team with less people to choose from. This stuff is NOT easy and she still lost more weight than six other people. They just happened to be on the other team.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I feel like this on the stairmonster.

Oats. I am so not feeling my oats.

If I haven't made this abundantly clear....I HATE oatmeal.

There is nothing redeeming about it what-so-ever!! Oh hush! I didn't ask any of you to tell me that it helps with fiber intake, cholesterol and all that healthy junk. BLAH BLAH BLAH....the texture reminds me of what I would assume some sort of rotten substance may be like if it sat out in the noon day sun to long. OR...OR possibly baby throw-up. I am really not sure. I try, oh how I try, to get the visions of what I think it could be like, out of my head when I eat it, but frankly, that doesn't quite work.

I eat it. I have to eat it. It's on my diet plan. I just wanted to mention again just HOW MUCH I don't like it, so that there is no misunderstanding.

OR maybe coagulated milk without the sour taste. Yeah...gross isn't it?

Monday, March 17, 2008

I got my pot of gold!

I made it through another day!! What more could you ask for? I don't just mean training. That for sure could kill or at least maim any normal person. I mean the day. Just today.

I made it through the day alive, I worked, I trained, I ate, I laughed, I visited, I talked, I listened, I tasted, I thought, and I felt. Overall, I say it was a good day, frustrations and all.

At times, I know I have taken for granted these small wonders and I have to remind myself sometimes that if others can get through their day, their trials and tribulations, then by gosh I can get through ONE day.

I sure could use a pot of gold right now!

I am soooooooo frustrated right now. I have a ton of stuff to do at work. I am hungry, my husband is not a morning person and I have yet to learn that in almost nine years of marriage, I am SICK of water, I can’t find a back up disc I need AND I left my chicken at home. ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!

BUT today is St. Patrick’s Day, I am wearing green and if I am lucky, that whole KISS ME I’M IRISH thing will pay off today!! IRISH I had a beer!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Yeah, I am usually the only one who thinks I’m funny too, don’t feel bad!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Two hours down ...Five weeks to go!

I got my two hours of cardio in for the weekend. Now I am looking at five more weeks. I've got this! I can do it! I may look and feel like this after we get done, But I CAN do this!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

How is this for motivation?

"In competition, you will face opponents that are smarter, faster, or younger. A champion discovers their own strengths and focus on those to prevail over all weaknesses."

How cool is that? "The Coach" left that as a comment. By the look of things that really appears to be some sound advice. I like it. It applies in this arena and I think, in work, friendships etc. Support is a glorious thing and when it comes in the guise of motivation and forethought, it makes me want turn up the techno and hit it!!

On another note....I have got to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes. Yeah yeah, for all of you who know me, just shut it right now!!! :)

Even in grade school I lost my recess for talking back or just plain talking. It's one thing to aggravate the masses, but to aggravate my trainers is just asking for it! It isn't so much that I say anything bad, stupid sometimes, goofy maybe, but not bad. Evidently, I just have this uncontrollable urge to hear myself. Actually, that isn't much different than any other day but, just like every other day, I have to learn when to speak and when not to.

Of course, don't look for miracles overnight. Me running my mouth too much has been a lifelong battle. I imagine it will continue on for years to come, but I will still make a mean stab at it. Fair enough?


I am pretty sure I am addicted to these blogs. I seem to check them oh... I don't know...30 times a day? I can't say why other than perhaps some unearthly fascination with peeping into someones else's thoughts. Sometimes, I sit down to write my blogs, only to realize I either don't have any thoughts that don't center around food and complaints, OR I have so many thoughts, I can't decipher what to put here. Today, for instance, I am having a hard time coming up with anything of interest or poignancy. While of course I think I am funny and entertaining, surely there are days when you guys, the reader, disagree (don't answer that). Sooooo, back to what to write right?

Frankly, this contest seems to haven taken over most everything I could or would have been thinking. If my thoughts stray to far, well, they circle right back around to when is it time to train? I am tired. When do I eat again? Who wrote what on their blog? That kinda thing.

To say something different at least, I have to say I was super bummed last night. We went outside, it was beautiful, and we/they got to do something different.

Of course, I say they because I have shin splints (STILL ARGHHHH) so what did I do? Go up and down some stairs a gajillion times. Believe it or not, I felt really left out and pouty. What they were doing looked hard, but also looked fun. At least it was something different. Instead I was like the little kid that always has snot running down his nose that no one wanted to play with.

But those are my crybaby thoughts!! I was actually snot free thank goodness!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Should I have fish for dinner?

Or should I have fish? Ahhhh fish it is. Can I get some fries with that? No fries? How about a biscuit? Okay fish it is.......yeeeaaaahhhhh!!
I need to step it up a notch in the gym. I have the food part pretty much down. It is the training that I need to focus on. Shin splints, age, weight, all that doesn't matter. They are excuses. I like to think good ones, but excuses just the same. I can't use my weight as an issue, everyone there is working on their weight. My age feels like a factor when I compare myself to the others. I am 7-15 years older than my teammates and even my trainers, but I can't compare myself to them, I am doing this for me and 35 is NOT old. My shin splints may be another story, but there are plenty of exercises I can do to minimize the discomfort. And again, I can't compare myself to everyone else because if I bust my tookus on the things that I can do, then that should be good enough. Problem is, I think I am slacking. I AM comparing myself to the other girls and I am just gonna say I think they rock! I NEED to shake it like a salt shaker, get low, lean with it, rock with it, break out my interpretive dance, I need to ball out till I fall out.....

Goobernut? Any comments? I could sure use some help here!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dingle strikes again! That would be Goobernut Dingle to you!

I have another message from Goobernut. Goobernut has hit the nail on the head! I DO NOT like anyone having fun or joking. I have never had someone read me so well. SOOOO, here is to you Mr. or Mrs. Goobernut person for seeing the real me!

Please.... bloggers, teammates, work associates, friends and family, now that I can be myself, (Whew! It feels good!) please cease and desist any and all related activities that appear to be any form of entertainment. Especially if you are doing said activities to feel better.


All this joking, cheer and positive energy is horrifying. I....can't breath....I feel warm....I....thi....nk.....horns....aaaaaarrrrreeee growing on my head.....please help me.....I....need....a piece of cheese........!!!!

No dingle....It is not jealousy

Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous left a comment about my last blog. They felt it didn't make sense and it sounded like "straight jealousy" to them. Well okay if you say so. No it isn't jealousy goobernut. I am slap a$$ tired and I can't decide if I am just irritable so people are getting on my nerves more than usual or if some people are getting on my nerves because they talk to much and joke to much. I talk to much I joke to much. If someone else is getting on my nerves for doing that, I for damn sure am getting on someone else's nerves. What part of that isn't clear? It isn't my team. It is people in general. I get up at 4 am every day and go train, work and then go train again in the evening all while eating food that would fit inside a thimble. My husband said this weekend he could tell I was cranky. Am I really cranky or are the people getting on my nerves just dumb A$$e$ who get on every one's nerves?

My team says I am nice. I kinda think I am too. So instead of blaming other people, I am trying to figure out if it is me just being fussy. I don't want to get crazy eyed on someone just because I am having a bad day. Is that a detailed enough explanation since the "public has a right to know?"

If that doesn't explain it, then I feel we are at an impass.

Has anyone ever heard that if you don't like someone that there is usually something they do or say that you don't like about yourself? I may have made that up, but I really think it is true. If you look closely at why you don't like someone or why they get on your nerves, a lot of times you will recognize behaviors in them that you yourself do. NOW, for some reason when I do it, it is okay, but when the other person does it, it annoys me. Why is that? I am SURE I annoy other people. I have no doubt about that. I think I am just selective with the things I actually recognize doing. Sometimes you can't help it. Sometimes it is nothing, and other times it really is the other person, but how can you tell?

I mean who wants to say they are wrong or are being overly critical or just don't like someone?

Maybe I am just tired today. Yeah.........I think that's it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

KMAK is right!

I haven't read all the blogs yet, but telling Kim's business was not a nice thing to do. She did work hard and then she got hurt. NO ONE plans to get hurt. We all know things happen, but in this case, you might as well compare it to a natural disaster because just like floods and tornados it wasn't something she could control. Be nice for goodness sake. We all know people in the competition and out who deserve a talking to on occasion, but before you guys get fussy, please get your stories straight. And.... for the record.... she was on the other team and I still liked her! Gut Buster or not she was a rad person! Yeah okay I said rad but it seemed to fit!

I do not know of any competitor who has been fussy. It was just junk I gathered from the radio.
My grandma passed away last night. I didn't know until this morning on my way to training. I had a message from my step-mom and I could tell in her voice something happened. She didn't come out and say it, but I knew. I tried to call her on my to work out at 4:30 this morning. I know that was insensitive of me, I just couldn't wait. Of course, she was asleep like normal people so I left a message. Then Niki suggested I call the hospital, so I did. They were really nice.

When I was done training at six, I then called my dad who was also asleep, and he confirmed what I already knew. They didn't get home until close to 1 AM so of course I felt like even more of a Jacka$$ for calling so early. I mean I knew there was nothing I could do. I KNEW they had to be tired, but selfishly I wanted to hear their voices.

I am glad I saw grandma Saturday. She is totally in a better place. She is chillin with God and all the other peeps up there. She is not hurting AT ALL and she is for sure watching over us. She can feel and use her hands now and she is either walking or has an awesome motorized chair that she can zoom around in. I am not sure which, maybe she can walk and has the chair just for fun. Either way, she is better.

I am sorry to blog about something so sad, but really it is only sad for those of us still here who miss her. For those of you who do the whole praying thing, it would be great if you could pray for my family. I know all the good thoughts will find there way to them!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Props to Nikki

Nikki, Matt said on the radio you were working your butt off for a reason. Sure we are all working, but you seem to add that extra umph!! Keep being the sunbeam you are. I know it helps me get through this! Keep up the good work. You deserve his props!


I think I have the blahs today. I am getting really tired of the food since it is the same thing everyday with no real deviation. My right shin will not quit hurting and I am tired. I feel old, and compared to my team members and even my trainers, I AM!! Boo hoo hoo!!!

What to do to get out of this ick? I suck it up and put a smile on my face and I will CHOOSE to be in a better mood! THAT is what I will do! I will recite the following:

Today I relax and free my thoughts of every sense of pressure. No person, place, or thing can irritate or annoy me. I CHOOSE to be at peace!

Let's hope it works!!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Just what are the rules?

I know it is a radio contest and just like TV the rules can be changed to throw us a twist at any given time.

If I lose more weight then someone on the other team but I am in the bottom two of my team, and I have done all my blogs and not missed a day do I go if I get picked? What rules are deal breakers and which ones aren't? I do not know. I am not talking about ME specifically. I mean the proverbial me/you/I whatever. Some people have better attitudes then others, some do their blogs more, some haven't missed a day, some are always early, some have cheated on their diets while others have not...etc etc. NO NO NO NO, I am not talking about me. I mean I am, but not.

I am just asking stuff I think we all want to know. Since I am in the contest that includes me. It didn't matter to me at first, but now that I see this as an opportunity for change within myself, I can't say that now. I am curious. Not so much I am gonna throw a hissy fit, just enough for me to be more determined to stay. I want to be physically fit. I don't mind so much being curvy. I mind feeling my arteries harden and feeling my heart work triple time like a short person on a ten speed going up hill with a basket full of eggs. And I can soooo say short person because I am one!

Does anyone really know? I am not talking about hearsay. This is not Law & Order. If you ask the serious questions then we will be excluding people I like. Heck it may be me, you just don't know! There are 16 of us left....dondondah!

Coffee would taste really nice right now.

It is Sunday and cool if not downright cold outside. The Sunday paper has been delivered and my hubby is still in bed. A nice hot cup of coffee with cream and sugar would taste great! I would even use decaffeinated coffee, no fat cream and Splenda. It is the ritual I miss. Hot green tea just does NOT do the same thing, especially since I can't put honey in it. I have been fantasizing about coffee. Well, not just coffee. I must confess that hot wings creep up plenty in my thoughts and dreams. I even have some Gluton free crackers in the house that are starting to look like cupcakes. It is getting easier and harder at the same time. It is hard to explain but if you see me gnawing on a pencil, please stop me. I am sure I will be envisioning them to be hot fries!

Saturday, March 08, 2008


1. I trained today at the gym.
2. I didn't eat lunch because I was running errands, so dinner is really good!
3. I think I am the only one who does the blog twice a day. Gosh knows I talk enough during training, work, at home, so why not here? Plus it is the rules.
4. I went to the Women's Show and saw Mario Lopez, met Chad Pitt and DID NOT partake of ANY of the free samples of food nor the delectible BBQ I smelled. Karson thanks for the tickets, that was super nice!
5. Went to see Grams in the hospital. Still in ICU.
6. Went to Marshall's and bought some pajamas.
7. I found out this morning my cat Raisin likes Oatmeal.
8. My shins still hurt like the dickens.
9. I need to vaccuum.

I dreamt about cookies last night!

Egg whites....CHECK! 1/2 a grapefruit...CHECK! 1 oz of oatmeal......screeeeeeechhh! What? Do I have to? PLEASE don't make me...OKAY OKAY I am gonna eat it UGHHHHH, arrrrghhhh, BARF!!! But I even drank my grean tea, PLEASE don't make me...Okay I will.

My tookus better be getting smaller by the minute. Because oatmeal as I stated yesterday should NOT be eaten by humans. Maybe it will fill me up a bit so I will be ready to train today at the gym.

I went yesterday after work and rode the bike for 20 minutes. I think I went 4 something miles. The bike is one of my favorites but it can get pretty hard when you set the program for endurance and have to ride up hills. WHEW!! Pretend hills or not it is work!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Celery and chicken mmmm mmmm good!

Seriously, I don't know if it is because I don't get to eat much or what, but if you take sliced chicken and wrap it around a piece of celery, you have a great snack that is good for you! Antionne gave us that hint and it is great! It would be better with Salsa and even better with cheese, but I don't think I am ready for that yet! Ah well, such is life! Check out the snow it is AWESOME!! Since I am at home and looking out I feel like I am in a snow globe!

And by the way....

Outmeal should not be eaten by humans!! EEWWWWWWWWW!

Q: What are shin splints? A: Overused muscles.

“An individual not accustomed to running may experience pain in the shin muscles the next day even after a single, short bout of intense running.” - Wikipedia

It is part of our training that must be done, I just happen to be overweight and an inexperienced runner so ouchie for me!

“CAUSES: unskilled runners over stride, and land heavily on the heel with each foot strike. When this happens, the forefoot rapidly slaps down to the ground. In a similar way, improper pronation of the foot during the foot strike can also cause pain in the muscles.” - Wikipedia

And so on and so forth…Anyway Wikipedia (and my trainers) have much more to say but that is the jist and voila, I have shin splints!! But there is hope! One, I can still exercise, exercises like the elliptical and the bike or stairmonster where I don’t have that jarring like I would with running on the treadmill helps. There is a bunch more, but for the sake of boredom to all reading this I will stop. Also I got some kick a$$ shoes today, so that should help!! Thank you Brian for your help! You rock! Even though your team can eat berries you are still okay!!

Oh and for all the haters, I am NOT whining or complaining. I have them (shin splints), I am working through them, I just have to blog twice a day so gimme a break, I have to talk about something!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thank you Antionne

Shin splints do NOT rock. I hope to be splint free soon. I am losing weight and thankfully Antionne had other exercises for me to do that still had be hauling booty! Apparently he thinks I was a tad dramatic on the stairmoster. Who me? Naw.....I was merely showing him what I looked like on the stairmonster BEFORE training the last two weeks. Yeah right...that is exactly what I was doing.....yeah yeah..........

Anyway, I need to eat and shower because it is time for sleepy go night night!!

P.S. Note to self: Remember to try and eat what they said, when they said, in the amount they said. I haven't eaten outside the diet plan but need to be sure and eat it excatly how they determined we eat it.

What day is it?

Last night we actually went outside to do some exercising. We jogged to the top of the Crescent Center garage and then did sprints back and forth up and down. It was a tad chilly but once we got moving it warmed up considerably. I for one thought my lungs had been dipped in the fiery pits of hell, but I got through it and finished! When I was walking down to the next starting point and could see through the haze of my "almost" hyperventilation, the sunset was beautiful. When we came back in, we all did our various cardio machines then it was time for the stairs. I think I am getting used to them. Me and the stairs seem to have an understanding. If I stay on my feet, they won't come up and bite me! It works well for both of us.

This morning was weights! I LOVE doing the weights. Doing weights hurts too (what doesn't) but it is a different kind of hurt. The burn is different as well as the soreness that follows. Today my shins still seemed to have glass protruding from them, but after Niki (THANK YOU NIKI) give me some Advil, they seemed to calm a bit.

For now I plan to eat my half of a grapefruit for the rest of my breakfast and get to work. I am late on both counts. The times the days, they all seem to run together right now. My whole routine is changing and I have not quite mastered it yet so I am still a tad discombobulated. I will get it not to worry!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My legs, I can't feel my legs....

I WISH I COULD NOT feel my legs. I want to know who put shards of glass in my gym pants.


Ooooohhhh I'm in trouble......I didn't do my blogs yesterday. See, the rule is that we do two a day. Well, I started my blog before our 1st day. I had six blogs written before I EVER started. I am also long winded. I used both of those reasons to slack just a tad. You see how much I type right? But rules are rules. It is a contest and something as minuscule as NO BLOGS could get me kicked off. I will comence to yapping and catch up now.

You will see new blogs snuck in here and there. Can you find them? Kinda like where is Waldo huh?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Is that an earthquake?

NO, it is just my stomach trying to naw its way to the outside of my body.

Stairs, stairs, stairs.........

We did stairs this morning. Currently I have a love/hate realtionship with them. We have to go up one then down, up two then down, up three and so on. I want to say it will kill you but so far I have not been so lucky! I will live to see some more stairs!! ARGHHHHHH

I might need to take that back. I don't actually want the stairs to kill me and if Antionne or Matt read this they may just try!!

Monday, March 03, 2008


Why can't I start some drama? Gosh knows I can be dramatic, but I just keep thinking this is not the venue. I am here to lose weight, get healthy and rock this contest so I can be Of course, in reality there isn't much I need to start. The radio does a great job of handling the drama portion of this endeavor. Some of it is frustrating, some funny, but I know ultimately it is a contest and rule 5A is and can be played at anytime! Besides I think various contestants may have a thing or two up their sleeve! We shall see...............

Dear Karson,

I second Ashley's comment that you picked the right team. Good choice, Bravo!!

You should be proud of your team The Food Fighters. I was able to listen on my way to work today and I have to say there is much ado about nothing. In actuality, there isn’t much drama. At least not on my team. As a team, we work well together. We are happy for another’s triumphs and we are collectively there to work our butts off! LITERALLY!! I think what you may not understand is that our trainers are just NOT all fluff and flowers. They are, to me, hardcore. They are pushing us to limits we NEVER thought we would or could achieve. Their methods don’t include yogurt, berries and the sunrise. WAIT…before you say anything...I am NOT hating on the other team. I'm NOT!! Their trainers have their own methods. Both methods are different, yet seemingly effective.

As it is, I HATE training (not my trainers). If it was easy, I wouldn't need to be here. YES I said it...I am not digging the actual training itself. What it represents? Yep! What it will do for my body, soul and mind? Yep! But running and lunging and what not? NO!!!!!!!! Antionne and Matt don't play. They are the trainers and we do what they say, PERIOD!

I hurt, I can’t breath and I feel like a rhinoceros just did a happy dance on my back. I want some biscuits and by gosh... I want some CHEESE!!!

BUT, and this is a huge but, as is my own, I am motivated, determined and willing to do what it takes to get the job done. That is the way we all are. So, don’t think for a second that the team you have chosen isn’t working hard.

For goodness sake I haven’t had a piece of cheese in OVER a week. That alone is a miracle, and that doesn't even speak to my lack of beer. Be happy and hang in there...we are!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Did you know that training on Saturdays is NOT prohibited by the Surgeon General? Well, IT SHOULD BE!! I have to say I was made to feel guilty if I didn't go(oh you know who you are). Actually, I am glad I went. I did the stairmonster and the bike and in between I did some weights. It won't actually kill you. Who knew?!

Oh by the way, grams is still hanging in there. She isn't worse which I am told is a good thing. She is still in critical condition, but she is still here which is great! Thanks for all of your support and prayers!

In other news, I think I am starting to peep my toes. It is amazing the things you can see when your gut isn't in the way. I may even find some money on the ground now that I can see it!! That being said, I don't spend a lot of time looking down. I may be a chunk, but there is a world to see and participate in. Being a chunk doesn't preclude a person from being hot if they have the right attitude. Don't hate me because I am beautiful! HAHAhahaahhaaa Okay, so maybe that last one was pushing it!! I know... I KNOW!! I just mean that I am not a wallflower. I can still smile, dance and enjoy! You should too!