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Monday, April 14, 2008

I don't live here but I do visit from time to time...

I am not real sure if anyone else has lived here, but the funny thing about glass houses is that they can be very fragile which is why I try really hard not to carry stones in my pockets (sometimes easier said then done).

Okay let me cut to the chase.....there is a lot of talking back and forth. We all know it makes for great reading and good drama, but unfortunately, it is also a hot bed for hurt feelings and poor attitudes.

Yes, I am going to take up for Niki, just as some of her friends have, just as some of her other teammates have and just like her husband has. Keep in mind me taking up for her is not me tearing down anyone else. She has become my friend and while I handle things differently or rather my reactions stem from different issues, she does have a right to express them as does everyone who has done so throughout this whole competition.

From my point of view and IT IS JUST A POINT OF VIEW, Niki is a fire cracker. She is bright, intelligent and responsive. Being with her day in and day out, we talk about all kinds of things. Obviously, one of the most prevalent is this contest. The majority of the time she is just joshing around, being silly and talking about whooping the pants off folks, me included! Just messing around having fun.

Then, she hears something on the radio about our team, or a member from the other team calls her and tells her things that seemingly go against the rules, or a member from the other team says something to her personally or things are said on the videos. Niki responds.

She defends herself and our team (what was our team before the trade).

I think the issue with everyone, or least my view of it, is that different people handle things differently. Unfortunately knowing that, it doesn't stop our A$$e$ from being chapped when we think we have been attacked, unfairly labeled or just plain misunderstood. This goes for both sides. Niki just chooses to be more public about her opinions and her frustrations. Heck she has even discussed her hemorrhoids and bowel movements. That is her.

We have ALL said stuff. It isn't fair to say no one else has. I have, you have, she has. We have all heard things, seen things and been around people saying things. The difference is the venue where these things are said and done and the lack of knowledge we all share from not having the complete stories on both sides.

I can only speak to what I know and what I know is limited. I mainly just want to say that things aren't always what they seem and we should all remember that.

One thing I do know is that this whole experience has been fabulous. I am proud of myself and appreciative of the time and effort all of the trainers and the radio station have put forth.

I also know I like Niki and think she rocks and that my new BFF Amanda is secretly the Bionic Women no matter how she tries to deny it.


Anonymous said...

Hey April and other Awesome Ladies in the final four!!

Ya know?...I don't even know what is going on, but sheesh, why does everyone have to have sooooo much drama? I think everyone watches tooo much reality TV. This is not Survior Memphis! Well...ok, maybe it is. :) You women have worked your behinds off....literally!!!!

Say what you mean. Mean what you say. And say it straight to each other! And for gosh sakes ladies, have a sense of humor!!!

I think you all do! I KNOW April does, and I also know she speaks her mind. You can't survive in our family with out that particular genetic trait! But you know what? We mostly always know where each other stands!!

My dad, April's Grandpa Sully, had a plaque up in the house that said: "Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut". And another one that said: "Discretion is the better part of valor". Both are very handy pieces of wisdom, but really hard to abide by. But Sully always smiled...and ya know what? Sometimes you just didn't know what he was thinking!!! Very effective in the face of lots of things.

Only 2 more days!!!! You all rock! (especially my April) Keep it together and finish strong!!

love ya April
(favorite aunt)ree and(your only) uncle steve

Dwayne a.k.a C.S.I Niki's husband said...

hello mrs april. i haven't commented you in a while. i hope your new training is going well and i'm sorry to hear that you have those freaking shin splints again. you're almost to the end and for those who thought you would never make, stand up and shout cause you're hear and dammit you deserve to be! sorry just lost control for a minute. it won't happen again. lol ok i'm leaving now. bye

SlapHappyPappy said...

I think you're going to win. You know why? Because it's the month of April.There's no way that's a coincidence. It's your density....I mean your destiny. So you heard it here first, April will win!

Pooh Bear said...

See, you can not NOT like Kracken! She is goofy, sweet, and finds the good in everybody- that's why it is so easy to find the good in her. I've heard April put herself down and say that there is "no way I can win....I am just here for the ride". Well April- you did win! You saw the whole thing out and I am way awesome proud of you (that's right I said it!) I kinda regret that I didn't get to have as many giggles with you my last couple of days but I hope that we will have our own later with no more radio contest. Watch out for stealth Kracken- flyin under the radar for the win!