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Thursday, May 05, 2011

Future Focused

A good friend of mine recently sent me a letter.

We talk on occasion, laugh whenever possible, and hope the best for each other always.

When I got her letter I wasn’t sure what it was. When I opened it, it was typed and I was thinking hmmmm??? What is it?

I don’t think I had ever gotten a letter from her. Maybe a card but not a bonafide, “let me sit down and think on this for a bit” letter…..

I started to read and from the first sentence it was upbeat, positive and basically outlined a really great thing that happened in her life recently. This great and wonderful thing started with a letter written by a patient’s husband, sent to her work and thanking the staff and her specifically. After some reflection on her part, she came to a few conclusions. That letter made her feel good. It made her feel appreciated and it gave her a boost in just the right way.

She thought that if a letter could make her feel so dang warm and fuzzy, why not send letters to some people who she felt made a difference in her life some way…hence, my letter. My friend told me how she felt about me. She said I made a difference to her by how I lived. She said I had a good heart and a beautiful spirit. She thanked me. SHE THANKED ME. This person, who I feel is the epitome of strength. A person I feel truly puts herself before others. A friend who has always made me feel loved and cared for. This friend THANKED ME for making a difference in her life?

I am not sure if any of you really know how that feels. I am not really a descriptive kinda gal unless I am detailing the perils of having the Panama Canal engraved on my uterus or maybe when I talk about my disdain for exercise. I know I have verbally described and discussed my love of paranormal hanky panky books, but this happy, giddy, blessed feeling? I guess it is akin to the color pink, bedazzled with sparkles, that smells like vanilla, makes you look thinner and has the ability to form into any accessory a girl may need.

Does that describe it? It feels good.

In her letter were three bracelets that said “I make a difference!” One was for me to keep and two were for me to pass them on to others. I haven’t done that yet. I am not sure of my reluctance other than I procrastinate like a… a…..well… a procrastinator. But I plan to send them on soon.

In the meantime, I wanted to thank you for being who you are.

Well Apey who are you talking to? I am talking to YOU. AND YOU…AND YOU.  ALL OF YOU.

There isn’t one of you who hasn’t touched my life in some way and you should know it. I am thanking you, because you deserve to know that the parts of you that make you YOU are important. They make a difference.

I hope throughout my life I get to tell you all individually like my friend did for me. In this case, I didn't want to wait another minute to let you know... YOU make a difference.


Anonymous said...


You are such a cutie pie! I miss hanging out with you and laughing my butt off.

I hope you know that it is time for us to go eat Bi Bim Bop!

C... said...

Thanks :) - don't procrastinate :)

JJ Cocker said...

That is fabulous. Totally lifted me spirits and can relate to everything you have written, April.

Thank you so much for making me feel there's more kind and compassionate like minded souls out there in the Universe. And for doing so... I hope a wish, however small, becomes real in your world, sometime soon! xxx

Apey said...

MMMMMMMm Bim Bim Bop yummy! We so need to go do that! C, I think I am gonna get those two bracelets on there way today! And Miss JJ you are more than welcome! Thank you for always stopping by!!

SY said...

whoa.. what a beautiful thing to do... everyone should do that for someone. it would probably save lives

Apey said...

Ya know Sy you are probably right! I know it was a blessing for me! Good luck with your Army endeavor!! You can do whatever you set your mind too!

Anonymous said...

'She said I had a good heart and a beautiful spirit. She thanked me. SHE THANKED ME.'

And so she should, I've been telling you that all along. It's a wonderful thing to have friends like that, and it's a wonderful thing for them to have a friend like you. I second Miss JJ's wish.

Apey said...

Thanks Mr. V. you have indeed! Thanks for always making me feel special!!

Anonymous said...

Comes naturally, because you are special, Ape.