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Friday, May 20, 2011

Shut the front door!!!!

Look it! Look it! Look at what Miss JJ gave me!! How awesome is that? I say waaaaaaay! This is my very first blogger award! I think there is supposed to be a protocol of some sort, but I have never quite figured out what it is. Do you make your own? Do ask questions? Do you send it a certain number of people, do you do what the person who gave it to you did? Huh??? I just don't know. What I do know is that....YIPEE...LOOK AT ME.... I got a cool award from Miss JJ!
Thank you Miss JJ! You TOTALLY made my day!!


JJ Cocker said...

Yup... I was right, Kracken! You deserve this award more than anyone, for your enthusiasm and excitement, alone. Well done! I guess I should have pointed out the etiquette to this award. You can use the same picture, as it was the one sent to me. You just gotta tell us seven things about yourself and forward to another seven blogs. Have a super, smashin' funtastico weekend. xxx

Apey said...

I can do it! Miss Houston tried to explain it to me once a long time ago but I was SUPER new at blogging then!! I will work on it this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Darn, reading this makes me feel all warm inside. Well done, both of you.

Apey said...

Well I was feeling pretty warm and fuzzy! Glad it got through!

Anonymous said...

It most certainly did.