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Monday, August 16, 2010

What in the hell is so damn wrong with wanting someone to love you? I am not talking about friends, immediate family or your cousin Earl.

I am talking about a man and a women who love each other unconditionally. No cheating, no crazy obsessions, no psychotic folks who keep another one locked up in a basement or somewhere equally unsanitary.

I just mean plain old fashioned, I like you, you like me, I will take care of you and you will take care of me. The end.

I will admit… these days, I read my share of Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Angel, Shadow People type, fantasy stuff. I like them. And I mean I LIKE THEM!

I know that stuff doesn’t happen in the real world. First, there aren’t any hot 6’7” Demon warriors running around trying to save mankind while at the same time claiming me as his life mate.

No such thing as a hot vampire – check
No highly advanced warriors with superhuman strength taking down the bad guys – check
No shape shifters searching for their one true mate – check

The list goes on, and for the life of me I can’t put the dang things down. I find it perfectly normal to want someone to be a hero to me. Someone who would care for me and love me to the exclusion of all others.

I did not say they had to change every fool moon…that would be crazy…just someone who gets me. Someone who thinks I am pretty awesome.

Yeah yeah yeah, there is all that get to know you stuff, like the fact that I snore, hate taking out the garbage and really don’t’ cook. I know there is an actual reality. But in my pretend world… at least for just a minute… I want to pretend that there is a person out there who wants to own me (in a good, read your fantasy kind of books way).

For those of you who have read them, I feel certain you have pictured yourself in one of the scenarios a time or two.

Am I embarrassed? No. Should I be? Probably.


Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong in thinking that way, April. He's out there somewhere - he just don't know it yet.

Apey said...

Darn tootin!!

Anonymous said...

I "think you are pretty awesome." I think we look for that Hero/Special Powers person in books because, as of yet, I haven't met the human that is "Someone who would care for me and love me to the exclusion of all others." I got ya girl and am right there thinking the same thing. I fantasize about a man who sparkles in the sunlight, wants to wait to have sex till after a long courtship and the wedding night, drives a great car (job, house, money) (doesn't get speeding tickets), is super smart, musically talented and can read minds! Where is he? Maybe he's got invisibility powers. :o)