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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It seems as though all manner of folk are on a hiatus in blogsville.

To be honest, I don’t get to read them all the time anyway. I am not “supposed” to at work, and at home my computer may or may not decide to link to the outside world. If I try to read them on my phone, well….let’s just say I would like to keep my phone for a time and I am making choices that will prevent me from throwing such a “fine” (using that word lightly) contraption across the room.

Anyways, I haven’t written much myself. Haven’t had anything to say really. Well, I did that one time a few weeks back but deleted it because it could be considered disparaging. While I was pretty dang riled when I wrote it, it came back to what I have been saying all along and that is that I don’t wanna write something about someone else that could be hurtful.

I tried to be as non committal as possible and even went as far as not saying who it was, how they were related, or if it was a male or female. Of course, if any of those who know me read it, they would  know the deal. I said nice…ish things too and was open about myself and why I was peeved, but it is gone now (not the peeved part, just the blog).

Needless to say I do have a person who has been getting on my last nerve in every conceivable manner, but heck, don’t most of us have a person like that we know or have known?

I would venture to say (many times) I am prolly that person to someone else. But if that is the case they can write it on their blog.

In this circumstance, I have verbalized my thoughts and impressions to this person. I have been nice, I mean super nice, firm, and then pretty dang direct. NOTHING…NAUGHTA, THERE IS NO LIGHT ON…….

I can’t seem to bring myself to the point of being flat out, no holds barred, up in their face. To me, no matter the words and how you say them, it can still be cruel. Sometimes no matter what you say and how you say it, the other person won’t always get it (my dad taught me that). Frankly, I wouldn’t want to hear them from someone else. It has happened in my lifetime and I didn’t like it.

I would tell my dad “I didn’t care. I was gonna say what I had to say because dang it that person should KNOW. AND, how are they gonna if someone doesn’t let them have it, AND it would make me feel better!!! HMPHHH!” That’s what I told him. My dad would just shake his head and tell me that things didn’t always work that way and why waste your breath, time energy etc. when sometimes there were people and things in life you really couldn’t change. I see it more now. Not sure I believe it completely yet, but my need to “say it like it is” has lessened a bit over the years. I may say it to my close friends or family to get it out, but not just to everybody just because I can.

Anyways, in this case I will endure. People endure worse. I can endure one person.

OR…OR I may just go Ninja on their a……………………..! I am just sayin!


C... said...

I say bitch slap them and then explain later HA HA.

Patsy said...

You could write a story about them, then have another character do the bitch slapping for you. If people bug me, I kill them off in a story. Some people have had to be killed off more than once.

Apey said...

I like both of your ideas!!

JJ Cocker said...

I go along with Patsy. Write a story, Miss Karcken, but please note... Mister Valance may argue he has copyright on insults regarding me ass!

Apey said...

Miss JJ I would never presume to talk or tell tails about your bum! Mine has its own orbit AND its own beeping noise when I back up! HA! And actually, I am getting to the point I may not right a story...fictional that is. I may really and truly right the real of it all. It will read like fiction though because it is just to ludicrous to believe!

Debi said...

Hello April...
I'm contacting you here because I wanted you to know how much I appreciate you following my blog and the support you have given me. Since the last post I have been through some tough times and have since started a new blog which I like but seem to still have some difficulty with what to write. I'll explain that in a future post but want to personally thank you for your kind words to me. On my 'second journey' blog I will inform my followers what as taken me away from writing and inform them as well of my new blog in hopes to have them follow me there. I would be extremely honored if you would follow me there as well. But I do understand if you find that you can't. I just wanted you to know I have not forgotten you.

Apey said...

Debi, I will be glad to follow your new site. I justhope you are well!!

JJ Cocker said...

Here's hoping, for the sake of Mister Valance, that we never collide in orbit, Kracken.

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

I vote ninja.

Anonymous said...

Sure is quiet around here. Anybody home?

Houston A.W. Knight said...


That suggestion about unchecking that stay signed in box has done the trick! THANK YOU SOOOOOO I have to get cought up on my comments.

Hugs darkin'