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Friday, August 23, 2013

For Ruth

I was going to write something witty, thought provoking and specifically for my friend Ruth today. We texted and talked last night and she buttered my up with compliments aplenty about my writing.

1 Week Later …..I still haven’t written anything. NOW, in my defense I was sick last week and was off work Friday, slept all day Friday and Saturday while simultaneously burning through a fever, hacking up a lung and try to catch my running nose. What has kept from writing this week? Well you see….okay just kidding, I have just been lazyish. I mean the whole purpose was to be witty and thought provoking for Ruth. Frankly, that is more difficult than it sounds. I have to be in the mood to write, or at least have some great something or another I just have to get down on paper (okay, computer screen…picky much?).

Today is not one of those days. Last Thursday was going to be one of those days, but then sickness seemed to overtake any thought processes I had brewing.

Ya know what? Maybe I can use that whole sick excuse again. After all, I do have a cough left over from my illness. It’s a mean one too.

BUT, then there would be nothing witty or thought proving for Ruth.

Okay so here it goes… 2 men walk into a bar, one has duck…..fill in the rest of the joke.

Yeah I did it! I not only started a joke sure to be funny, I made it thought provoking by making the ending up to her imagination!

Wow she is right I am good. I just don’t know where I get this stuff. ;)