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Monday, April 29, 2013

Shmeeehhh. It is what is for now.

I haven’t been here in a bit and this place needs a good cleaning! Okay, well, since this is a blog and not a real place, perhaps I am talking figuratively. Ya know my head, noggin, upstairs…however you want to put it.

I really don’t have a lot to show for this fortieth year. To date any way. I mean I really don’t. I am still in my “new job” as it hasn’t quite been a year. I bought a gym membership to a really awesome community center to which I still have yet to commune, my eating habit still involve cheese and an inordinate amount of Mexican food. Mayhap a beer or…..well whose counting.

Anyway, what do I have to say for myself? Zero, Zilch, Nada. We are talking bump on a pickle status here. What to do what to do? I think I have started over, reinvented, reaffirmed, made a pact, written down, started and not completed several hundred get up and go motivational turn arounds. Evidently, my boohonkus is much bigger than it looks because for some reason I have yet to be able to push this big thing in the right direction. And if any of you who say it is mind over matter, then you obviously haven’t seen it.

Okay it isn’t really just that. Big or little motivation comes from within or being offered lots of money to do something, I am sure both may work, but either way I have been “weighed, conquered and found wanting” (what movie is that from?).

Well in the meantime I am gonna start some good critter soup to take over to Mr. V’s place. Hope he likes it!